Title: Bootcamp for College Algebra
Price: $50.00 Instructors: Pat McKeague, Jana Mooney Course Dates: Anytime from June 20 - Aug. 31 2016 Max Students: 200 Minimum Prerequisite: Algebra II in high school, or beginning algebra in college, Description: A self-paced online course for students taking College Algebra in the near future. |
Course Description
Need to get ready for College Algebra? We have just the course for you. Bootcamp for College Algebra will present you with everything you need to be successful in College Algebra. We will review the most important prerequisite topics you will need to master, we'll cover study skills and success skills that are necessary for success in college courses, and we will show you why we think studying algebra is a worthwhile, satisfying experience, all by itself. All you need to do is add in your commitment and hard work, and you will put yourself in position to pass Algebra II at the school you are attending. You can proceed through the course as quickly as you like. There are 20 electronic assignments in the course. If you finish all the electronic assignments with an average of 75% or higher, you will receive a one-year All Access Pass to XYZ Textbooks.com. You can start the first assignment at any time. You must do the assignments in order, so you cannot start on the second assignment until you have completed the first assignment. More Details •We offer a full refund within three business days of purchase, no questions asked. • This is a non-credit course. •The course can be accessed through a desktop, laptop or via some mobile devices. • Email [email protected] if you want to confirm your mobile device is supported or for any questions. COURSE COMPLETION REWARD |