Welcome Factoring is one topic that keeps people from being successful in algebra. If you are taking an algebra class in the near future, this bootcamp course will help you be successful in that algebra course. We start by reviewing the most important prerequisite topics you will need to master, then we cover all the important topics in factoring, and finally, we offer two lessons on applications of factoring. We also cover the study skills and success skills that are necessary for success in and college course. All you need to do is add in your commitment and hard work, and you will put yourself in position to be successful in any algebra course you are taking.
Enrolling in the Course To have your electronic assignments graded and to be eligible for rewards, you must officially enroll in the course, which you can do by clicking on one of the buttons below to pay the $10 enrollment fee.
Details There are nine electronic assignments in the course. You can proceed through the course as quickly as you like. You must finish the course in one month. During the time you are in the course, you will have a 1-Month Bootcamp Pass to all the eBooks, videos, and electronic material at XYZ Textbooks. The eBooks and videos on XYZ Textbooks are a great resource for any mathematics course you will be taking.
Students completing all the assignments with a grade of 75% or higher will receive a Certificate of Completion and an additional two-month's access to all the eBooks, videos, and electronic content at XYZ Textbooks.
Title: Factoring Bootcamp
Price: $10.00
Instructors: Pat McKeague
Course Dates: Anytime from August 8 through September 8 Max Students: 100
Minimum Prerequisite: Basic Mathematics
Description: A self-paced, non credit, online course for students taking algebra in the near future.